Friday 2 April 2010

More Writing Techniques

As I write a learn more and more about my writing style. When I was younger, I would run out of steam after about 50 pages (even that), give up and start something new. After that I started writing full length novels, my first was Verglas which wasn't very good, I wrote that in high school (english high school, that is 11-15) the second was Queen of the World's End, which I started in College and gave up on last year. The problem I had with them was that I would just keep writing not thinking about what I was putting down, I would scoff at people who had writers block, but now I realise I have the most writers block of all!

If I don't have inspiration then my scenes fall flat, which is considering I don't plan, which is bad, I should plan but I find planning takes all the excitment out of writing. However right now i've devised a way around it, by re-writing my scenes after i've written then, kind of like shining a diamond until it's brillant, if you know what I mean but without inspiration... they really aren't as good, so i'm trying my best to re-inspire myself. The problem is also that I forgot most of the story when I went back to University *sigh* annoying...

Hopefully in the summer, I will be able to re-start where I left off, as none of my work has been as good as the work I did last summer on Hazards. So hopefully *crosses fingers*, my muses are pretty men (i'm not kidding XD) so i'll get a hunting pretty man pictures :P.