Sunday, 14 August 2011


Man I loooove geeking out about Berserk! it's one of the few things that can make me talk for a long time LOL. Me and an old friend recently got in touch and what brought us back together was us geeking out together about Berserk. I usually like to remain on the outer fringes of a fandom, so I didn't know apparently there's going to be a film??? and even maybe a second season. I was like what? but yeah I was happy.


Right now i'm researching my own novel about the nature of leadership and king hood. I downloaded the Leviathan off Librevox and have been listening to that. Once again I need to re-listen to the Prince (narrated by Chip from tampa florida LOL) and check my Analects of Confucius. I'm going to type virtue and kingship into google books and see what comes up.

Secondly, somewhat berserk related, i've been thinking about dark fantasy and masculinity. I recently bought the Witcher 2 game (however guess what I can't play it because of the LAG). I think that these sort of medieval worlds devoid of morality is interesting. Is this based upon a warlike world? where masculinity must be exaggerated and rape is used as a weapon? So the differences between the sexes must be exaggerated? I think of the differing versions of femininity in Beserk, with Casca and Charlotte, both of whom are destroyed by male sexual desire and vengeance. About how the lower classes are portrayed in the Witcher, drunken, lewd and bigoted, whereas the nobility are again epitomes of masculinity, killing and sexing and killing and sexing. I need to research this!