Monday, 13 June 2011

Last Night

Last night I dreamt on and off again about Griffths from Berserk for some reason. Suffice to say, it was a nice dream for me! LOL. I dreamt somehow that I was back as a teenager again, attempting unwisely to win the affections of a man away from another girl. I woke up in the middle of the night with a raging nosebleed, finding two huge drops on my pillow. What does that say about me?? LOL.

Despite the fact that I love the anime, I find the manga too sickly for me. Too male adolescent but I guess that's what he was going for. It is a SHONEN manga after all. Something about it has always drawn me in however... I don't know what. Some sort of strange affinity in my mind. As if it was a dream I had, as in dreams our inhibitions are severed. It has that kind of feeling for me. There's something dangerous about it, I am indeed a "Charlotte" type, easily drawn in. The gothic heroine in a white dress, lost in the castle of horrors.
I'd like to meet the author, just because it's so weird. On second thought... maybe not... He's probably like the anons on 4chan on /b/... and even they don't go that FAR!