With a meme!! Sorry but... I had to do it, also I'm a university student I have 24 hours off a day, I have to fill it somehow.
What’s the last thing you wrote?
Before 'Hazards' it was a novel called 'The Queen of the World's End'
Was it any good?
I stopped writing it because my writing skill had changed and the beginning no longer matched up with the end. Therefore it wasn't very well written but it still has the best plot I have ever come up with.
What’s the first thing you ever wrote that you still have?
'The Line of Peace' I wrote it just before I went to High school, it detailed the first adventure of a character who had been with me from childhood, my sort of alter-ego, Anika.
She was a portal shifter, someone who travelled from earth to distant worlds to help them out, she had a locket which was given to her by her sort of "guardian angel" whose name kept changing overtime but I know now him as Celestin. In the 'Line of Peace' she had a line on her wrist that when it dissapeared completely, the world she was trying to save would be destroyed.
I only managed like 5 pages, but Anika had many other stories in my head, including getting married and having a child. In fact she was the cornerstone of all my stories back then as her husband's family tree branched out and each one of them had different stories and her children's children had stories and her guardian married her clone *_*, really he should have married her... but she had already married Vaughn >_<, that story was the saddest one as he had to let her go to marry him *sniff*, ah nostalgia!!
Write poetry?
Of course, like all angsty teenagers, you can still find it over at DA.
Angsty poetry?
Of course!
Favourite genre of writing?
Fantasy setting, Romance at the centre of the plot.
Most fun character you ever wrote?
Anika, because she was a total Mary Sue and I never indulged myself like that ever after.
Most annoying character you ever wrote?
Annoying... huh, well if I get annoyed by a character I usually stop writing them, but I guess right now it would be Iris, Rana's servant, she loves Rana too much and will never end up with him, it's so tragic...
How often do you get writer’s block?
I'm still not sure what this means, I believe being unable to write, I suppose. So as I said before I get it all the time. My inspiration is a fickle thing. Also right now i'm not as mentally well as I would like to be so it can be hard to write or have inspiration.
How do you fix it?
Just write, write, write and edit, edit, edit until it is done.
Write fan fiction?
Once I wrote it, with a friend. Never again after that.
Do you type or write by hand?
Type, when I was younger I used to have a notebook i'd write in, with my back against the door so my parents couldn't come in XD, that led to many hilarous mistaken beliefs my parents had about what I was doing! Now however I type with my thumbs and index fingers and sometimes my third finger it depends where the keys are on the keyboard because my handwriting is so bad even I can't read it when i go back. When I type in front of people, they all go "aaaah you type so fast" my reaction is... well I've been writing novels for over seven years, of course I type fast!
Do you save everything you write?
Yes, I horde so much stuff my "My Documents" folder has to be backed up seperately.
Do you ever go back to an old idea long after you abandoned it?
No, never. Sometimes I may use an idea from a discarded novel in a new novel but it will always be different. If I stop writing something it was because something was fundamentally wrong with it, so I never look back.
What’s your favourite thing that you’ve written?
I guess it would be 'Hazards' right now :D, though as always I tustle with it.
What’s everyone else’s favourite thing that you’ve written?
According to my DA, it would be a short fairytale I wrote called "The Umbrella Man"
What’s your favourite setting for your characters?
Dark gothic castles, wide sweeping fairytale landscapes, heavenly palaces and norse settlements.
What’s one genre you have never written, and probably never will?
Anything in a contemporary setting, sorry it bores me. (Oh wait... I did write that one novel... but uh... lets not talk about that heh heh)
How many writing projects are you working on right now?
One. I can onl ever work on one.
Do you want to write for a living?
No, no way. I cannot write without doing something else. I am a passionate person, to sit at home all day with just my novel would be living hell for me. I have to go out and about and do day to day things, my novel is my hobby, not my life.
Have you ever written something for a magazine or newspaper?
No I write rather dark things... haha
Have you ever won an award for your writing?
Ever written something in script or play format?
yes, unfortunately....
What are your five favourite words?
Love, wings, bright, heaven, blood.
What character that you’ve written most resembles yourself?
Cerys from QOWE, she was a mirror of myself in all her glorious insecurity.
Where do you get ideas for your other characters?
From other books i've read/parts of myself or people from history, like St. Grieve, he was an amalgamation of a man from revolutionary era france and Dom Claude Frollo in Hunchback.
Do you ever write based on your dreams?
I think I did once, however a scene with Naoise in 'Hazards' is based on a dream I had about a fictional computer game I was playing, where there was a cutscene with a lonesome man standing in a garden smelling a rose.
Do you favour happy endings, sad endings, or cliff-hangers?
it depends on the book, books like Hunchback, I don't mind. Books with Romance however HAVE to end happily or I get angry XD.
Are you concerned with spelling and grammar as you write?
Spelling, oh man yes, grammer not so much. If word goes all green on me, I try to figure out why. I think my grammer has (hopefully) improved.
Does music help you write?
Yes, yes yes! I listen primarily to folk music because they tell stories and therefore I get inspiration from them. Actually my use of the word "wan" has increased after listening to The Blacksmith XD. Also music does inspire me, Blind Guardian helped me get back into 'Hazards' but I can't have music on too loud, as long as it's background music I don't mind :D.
Quote something you’ve written. The first thing to pop into your mind.
Um.... from a poem, said by an oracle.
"An easy steal for someone like you, who sacrificed the power of the Peris, for a black hearted Harlot"
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
I Spam You
Posted by A Castle of Romance at 04:40
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