Tuesday, 9 March 2010

But she did not die....

Dragon Age has been finished, and so another chapter has closed on my orginal character histories. It's nice to have a certain game that you always pick up as more editions come out and expansions and so can continue your own unique story.

As I had decided, my character betrayed Alistair at the Landsmeet and saved Loghain's life. I had always prefered Loghain as you can probably tell. I wanted to save Loghain in all possible ways, so I had to sacrfice my love to do it (I didn't really like Alistair very much tho... ugh...) I also refused Moriggan's proposition, for obvious reasons *GRIN* though I was sad for her to leave and it broke my heart to find out about Alistair, if only you hadn't been so much of a pussy...

So in the end, I had to decide to sacrifice myself or Loghain, the choice was obvious. Sparrow sacrificed herself...

However, there is an expansion... I wonder what will happen in that story? *wink*