Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Beautiful cover art

Two things I most dream about when I think of my dream of becoming an author are interviews and cover art. I know that many new authors don't get a say in what kind of cover art their books receive but I would like to think that if I am ever successful I will one day have enough money to hire an artist I admire to do the cover I envisioned.

Last night even, I was dreaming about the cover for HoL, and how the scene I am writing at the moment (where Rana allows Angelique to be taken to prison in order to hide his own shame) would be the one placed on the cover, Rana's anguished face and Angelique's fiery anger at this injustice would be the mirror of their characters in the book. I can see it so clearly in my mind all the scenes of my book that I would probably hate any film/tv version of it every made (haha here comes the snob) unless I was given the command. I paint every scene so delicately, you see, I couldn't bear to have it any other way.

Anyway here are some beautiful Barbara Cartland book covers which I really love (not just because I am a connoisseur of the Japanese manga trade):
